Friday, December 31, 2010


This year has been fantastic! Especially since running has been introduced into my life. I don't know where I'd be without it. I started running in February of this year sometime after watching my sister run another race. I was inspired by Joann, who had already run a few marathons. I knew if she was determined enough to do that, I could too. And so I begun on my journey to get healthier and more kick-ass, like all runners are known to be. :)

I ran a few races here and there, but I have to say, I wasn't really pushing myself. I just ran for fun and never thought about PRs, speed, or anything. I just wanted to get my feet wet in the world of running. And I think I have. And now, I'm ready to set some real goals that I will hold myself accountable for. I'm ready to start this new year off with a bang!

I'm so excited about it. I also feel really nervous because I know I'm setting some lofty goals for someone who hated running in her high school cross country team. Why was I even on the team? Seriously, who knows? I was bored and looking for something new to do. Unfortunately, it didn't stick back then. Thankfully, it stuck now. I am so thankful for running, you have no idea. It has made me more excited about life, and the world around me. I have met many interesting and awesome people through this sport; people that I hope will stick around. I have learned about so many new events that I could train for (tri's, ultramarathons, etc) and believe me, I want to try them all. I have learned what I need to do to push myself. I have also learned that being alone for an hour or more with you and your own thoughts is very zen and I'm really loving it.  Running rocks my world. 

Goals for 2011:
  • I will blog at least twice a week. This will keep me more accountable with my training and gives you lovely readers something to read. With this, I give you my new blog segment to help me out:                  ... Actually, I'm still working on. :)
  • I also want to start up a monthly segment as well. This one will be like Rave Run in Runners World, but with a different name, for obvious reasons. It will give me the chance to try some different routes and show you the beauty of some of my runs. Still working on the name. 
  • I will keep better track of my monthly/yearly mileage. 
  • I will incorporate a stretching routine into my weekly schedule. 
  • I will join Run for the Bling of it! (HERE) and have an awesome time with that. :)  Go check it out if you do not already know what it is. 
  • I will run 400 miles (at least) in 2011. This goal is with a few friends on DailyMile. 
  • I will better document my races and runs! I love looking at all of your blogs and the awesome photos you've taken. I'm jealous. And I will change that. :)
  • I will run a marathon. And I will stick to a training plan. This one is the scariest run goal for me. First of all, my schedule is hell which means training plans are nearly impossible. And secondly, I'm a little frightened of the 26.2 distance. But I WILL do it. Maybe towards the end of the year, but it's on the list and it must be accomplished. 
  • I will be good to my body and I will not get hurt. This would suck and I'd like to avoid it.
  • I will join some sort of running group, even if its only on the weekends. I want to meet some more running peeps! You guys rock!   
That's about it...for now.

There's always a chance for me to add more, I just wanted to get it started so I have something in the works. Now for my upcoming races!

Planned Races in 2011:

  • January: Freeze your Thorns off Virtual 5k
                    Rock 'n' Roll Arizona Half Marathon
  • February: Ragnar Relay
  • March: Sunrise at Old Tucson Cross Country Trail Run
  • April: Catalina State Park Trail Race
               Warrior Dash
  • May: Tucson Heart Group Cinco De Mayo 10k
  • June: Meet Me Downtown 5k
  • July: Run with the Roosters on Kinney Road 5 miler
  • October: The Great Pumpkin Race 5k
                     Mt. Lemmon Marathon (or half)
  • December: Tucson Marathon 

I don't have all the months filled up but I have exactly 12 races for Run for the Bling of it! Perfect. I may add some, lose some, whatever my schedule permits. Hopefully, I can do all of them. I really want to! :)
Happy New Year to all of my blogger running friends! I've had a blast reading your blogs and following your progess! I hope you will continue to do the same for me! You are all my online support group! Thank you!

Happy New Year!
Keep Running. Be safe. Have fun! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Awesome is Christmas?

Way awesome.

Okay, this post is a little late, but work has been nonstop! Which makes it difficult to write a good post. :)

My Christmas was pretty excellent, as usual. I love when family gets together, it just makes me so happy. We play games, we eat, we drink, we tell stories, and I love it all. Plus, now that there is a little one in the mix (my sisters toddler) it's even more fun! We all end up acting a little more childlike to please her and it makes for a good get together.

Cookie making took up all of Thursday night and very early Friday morning. Then, we were off to Phoenix to my sisters house. We ate some food at her parents in law's house and did the yearly white elephant gift exchange and pictionary game. Then, in the morning we had yummy breakfast and then Joann and I went for a Christmas run! Great idea, let me tell you. It was beautiful, warm (maybe too warm actually...) and there was a lot of friendly people out saying Merry Christmas and whatnot. We had forgotten it was Christmas until someone said it to us as they passed by. I guess it's a little weird to go running before opening presents on Christmas day, but that's just us.  It was a short run of 3.75 miles. We took it slow, chatted and enjoyed sister time. :)

Joann and I after our run. You can see her daughter in the background mesmerized by Yo Gabba Gabba. 

Then, it was time for presents!
This is the running related stuff I got:

An iTunes gift card for some new running music, 

sweet running shirts,

awesome red laces for a cause

a great book that everyone has been telling me about, 

the famous bondiband wicking ponytail hat,

and a freaking awesome Nathan fuel belt!

I also got a gift certificate to a race (the Catalina State Park Trail Race) and a facial/stress buster gift certificate at a spa! I love them all! I can't wait to use them!! And I'll definitely let you know when I do!

My next post will be about my goals for sure. We have only 2 days left of 2010 and I need to start planning for 2011. It's been a crazy year, with many ups and downs. I wish I had written everything crazy down so I could share with you. *Maybe a goal for next year?* There will be talk of upcoming races, upcoming distance goals (there are so many run this many miles in 2011 on so many different blogs, whose should I join in on?), and lots of other things. I'll be devising my plan tomorrow for the new year. So much planning and thinking to do!!!
Happy third to last day of 2010! :) 
What are your goals for 2011?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the night before Christmas...

...As Jamie wrote a last minute post.

Merry Christmas Eve! I have 15 minutes to get this out to the world before the big day. Here goes:

It has been quite the busy week! Here's what went down:

  1. Chance and I set up and decorated our very first Christmas tree! It's four feet tall and wonderful. I put toys in it because that what we've always done at the toy store and it just felt right.

  2. I made cookies! A whole lot of them! Unfortunately, didn't take any photos of the finished products, I mostly gave them away as gifts and there was just no time. I stayed up until 2am Thursday night baking them.

  3. The weather has been perfect in Tucson which = perfect running weather! The temps have ranged between 70-75 degrees. I love where I live! :)

  4. And...I got my Christmas cards from my Christmas card exchange group! They were great! I usually don't get many Christmas cards so they really made my day. :) Thanks! I didn't snap a photo, but I will tomorrow.

    And that's it. It's midnight...which means....

    ...It's Christmas!


    I'm looking forward to many things tomorrow today especially family, friends, great food, fun presents and of course...the Dr. Who Christmas Special.

    Okay, okay, it looks ridiculous (/awesome). And it's not the most important thing on my Christmas day to-do list. But I'm still excited about it! 
    Merry Christmas! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weekend Update!

The past couple of days have been totally crazy! I’ve been helping out at the toy store so its busy busy busy because of Christmas shoppers. Which = nonstop wrapping, selling toys, moving around and of course, nonstop fun. :)  It’s always nice to have a job that lets you play with the merchandise. 

The weekend begun with some seriously painful body aches. I was sent home from work two days in a row. My neck pain became so painful at one point, I decided to give Minute Clinic at CVS a try because I didn’t want to wait at the ER forever. Apparently, they can’t help people with these issues because they have no diagnostics like x-rays. Makes sense. I just wish they could have done something. I ended up going home and using the heat pack like crazy. But, then our friend Ben called and he wanted to hang out before he went to go pick up his girlfriend in Canada (long story). I can’t really reveal all the details of Friday night but basically I ended up bruising my right hip & knee as well as twisting my right foot. And not at the same time. There may have been some running in the desert…in boots…and running out from random washes because a homeless man lunged at me scared me when he moved in the shadows (same thing). So basically, I had neck and back pain and my entire right leg was temporarily disabled. Woo. 

Then, I went into the toy store where I heard some terrifying news. My friend Becca’s apartment burned down the day before. She was supposed to work with me that night. I feel so awful for her! She lost all of her furniture and her kitten. The store has set up an assistance fund in her name so she can get back on her feet.  All of my love is going out to you Becca! 
                It’s a little difficult to complain after that but yesterday at my other job I also had some shocking news. I was informed my lunch hours are not paid for and I need to pay them all back. 

  I’ve been working here for almost a year now. So, that’s about 50 hours. WTH. I was told a 30 minute lunch was paid for at the beginning of my job. And it makes me angry that they just realized I was doing it wrong. Goodbye to saving up for next semester. 

  I swore to run when I got home just to process what happened this weekend. So I did. I was planning to run as soon as I got home but I had to go shopping for some last minute gifts. I ended up running on the mill at 8 instead of running outside like I wanted to. 

Miles: 4.24
Time: 00:46
Avg Pace: 10:50

And I hated it. That was one of the worst runs on the treadmill ever. I really hate that exercise room too. It’s so awkward at night when the whole world can see me sweat my buns off. First of all, the mill is facing away from the TV and out the window. ??? I know. It would make sense if the window was looking at something pretty and not into some dudes apartment. Who leaves his blinds open. And light on. WTH? I don’t need to see your messy apartment buddy. And I definitely do NOT want him looking at me.

Don’t worry. I have a plan. The days of my complaining about this treadmill may be over. I plan to move this sucker. I will move it so it faces the TV and all will be happy. Unless someone likes looking out that craptastic window.  Then, I may be ruining somebody's day. Not to be mean but...too bad.

Here’s what I’m working with:

Please note how stupidly this room is set up. The TV is directly behind of the elliptical as well. Makes no sense. And yes, I'm the weird girl taking photos of the apartment complex exercise room.
 Think I can handle it? I may employ Chance in my brilliant scheme. He has already moved two of the bikes so he can see the TV better.                 

Hopefully the rest of my week is relatively relaxing. Crossing my fingers. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I am achy. and sore. all over! But mainly my back. and neck.

I do have good news however. I am finished with tests for the rest of 2010!!!

Not completely finished with school. I have a few more things to turn in and then I can focus on some good 'ol running. But tests are done and done. Take that Fall semester of 2010.

Back to my pain. Today was the worst pain I have ever felt in my back. I have been having lower back issues since late August. But only recently it has been killer pain. Today it moved up into my neck. Chance rubbed some Tiger Balm (awesome stuff)  on my back and it feels a little better. I need to go get this checked out. I'm glad it hasn't affected my running. Actually, I feel much better when I run. It's those days when I don't get a run in. That's when it hits me.

I'm calling the doctor tomorrow and I will make an appointment before the end of the year. I need to figure out what's wrong with me! I'll be sure to post any updates. Crossing my fingers and hoping I'm not dying...

Okay, a little dramatic, but hey. I'm a girl with some bad aches. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Running an Errand (Literally)

I read THIS article a few days ago and decided I should actually try it. The article from Runner's World online talks about getting chores done while running. That way, if you don't have a lot of time, you can still go running.

I decided to try it out. I had some checks to deposit so I put my house key and debit card in my running pants pocket and my two checks in my water bottle. It worked perfectly. I didn't feel like I was carrying anything different from the usual. And I overestimated how far the bank was. It's only about 1 mile from my house, which makes for a SUPER easy run. I refuse to drive there ever again. It's too simple. Why did I ever drive in the first place??

I also had to go to the post office and drop off my Netflix, but I figured that was a little too far for a quick run. But I will try it soon! The article also talks about using a backpack for more errands. I'm not sure I could handle that, just yet. It seems intriguing though and, of course, something I have to try.

So, I got 2 miles in today. Awesome. I figured I wouldn't get any in due to my studying for finals. And blogging (of course). :)  

Miles- 2.07
Time- 19:41
Avg Pace- 9:30

Go run some errands!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ragnar Woes

Getting a Ragnar team together at the last second can have its downsides. When I first heard about the Ragnar Relay it was from the University of Arizona running club. Before I joined sometime last January (something I never got around to doing actually) they were trying to pull me in with this Ragnar race. I was like “whoa, 202 miles?? You guys are CRAZY” and I brushed it off. Then, sometime in the lull of summer, I checked it out again and I really REALLY wanted to do it. I tried emailing the new captain about joining up but never got a reply (jerk). I’m guessing because they already had their team, or something. Anyway, moral of the story. It’s easier to get a team together when you do it every year. When they first told me about it, I seriously doubt they would have let me run it. I probably would have been a driver. They were just getting me psyched for the next year. Which they TOTALLY did. So when my friend Kevin said he was interested in doing it AND the deadline for early registration was coming up in a week, I was SO IN. We checked on Facebook and DailyMile for any takers and we had our team in week. 

Now, we still have our team, for the most part. There are at least 10 of us who really want to do it. We had 2 people drop out in the last few weeks, one of which wanted their money back. Which in my opinion is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY RUDE. Find someone else to take your spot and pay up and THEN ask for your money back. It’s hard enough on our teammate, who laid down $1000 for us and then waited for our checks. He is still out $90 (we never actually got a 12th teammate) and now this other guy wants him to be out $180? Crazy. It’s our fault though. We never laid down the rules in the beginning about people who decide to drop out and what not. I guess we got too excited about our team and never even thought for a second someone would drop out. Silly us. 

Things have changed now. We’ve learned. We let everyone know that if someone decides to drop out, they need to find their replacement and either let them use their money or have them pay for it themselves. One of our gals drop out due to family issues and she found her replacement immediately (and she didn’t want her money back, so he was even more willing!). However, she was our 6th girl. Since we are a co-ed team, we need AT LEAST 6 girls, so it’s fair. And now we need to find another one. 

So, we have two spots open. At least one of the spots is open to a girl (or both!). I hope no one else drops out. We have about 12 weeks until the race in February. Our team is going to a Ragnar 101 info meeting this Monday at Fleet Feet. Maybe they’ll tell us how we can look for more runners. *crossing my fingers*


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