Sunday, May 30, 2010

1 Year Anniversary!

Today, Chance and I have been together for a year! 

So, to celebrate, we went out to RA Sushi at La Encantada! So yummy. :)

Then, we grabbed some Gelato. Mine is the bigger one with strawberry and margarita flavors, while Chance got blackberry.

We bought some Starfruit beforehand and wanted to try it out. Very cute and delicious!

And later we rented Pandorum, which was not cute. It was absolutely terrifying and I loved it.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I plan on a run tomorrow morning (my 5k is in a week, EEK! More on that later...) and then Chances family is taking us down south to the San Pedro river and we're "taking a stroll" (Chances words, he won't tell me exactly what we're doing...). 


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