I wanted to show off my rodeo garb. I'm working at the Children's Museum today and everyone dressed up! Well, a few of us. Everyone else does not understand the idea of dressing up...or they're lame.
I can't show you my cowboy boots because I don't have any. Tragedy, yes, I know. I'm in the market to buy some, but they're either super expensive or really small. everyone in Tucson should own a pair.
I'm planning on a run tonight. Maybe Chance and I will end up doing the same loop we did last time. We ran from our apartment to U of A and back. Not too bad, I did a lot of complaining, but only because my Nike+ was NOT working, and that made me feel as if my run wasn't worth anything. Silly, right? I am training, but when I don't know how far or how fast I'm running, it feels useless.
Until Later!
Your Nike + should be working :-( I know how you feel though. It's nice to see your mileage as one big total. I almost didn't go for my nine-miler today because my ipod didn't work at first. Almost walked right back in the house. Thankfully, it decided to cooperate.