These are way overdue!
I ran RNRAZ back in January and I never found a chance to post them until now!
I loved running in my new green Sparkle Skirt! :)
Isn't it cute?
I had a blast running my first marathon!
My overall time was 5:13.
I was shooting for 5 hours and I was trying so hard to stay in front of the 5 hour pace group (you can see me in front of them in the 2nd photo. They are holding the balloons.)
I lost them around mile 14. I was so defeated!
I would love to run this race again just to beat my time (and beat the 5 hour pace group!!!).
But the course is nothing spectacular.
Very flat. No scenic views. And it got a little hot near the end (they used hoses to spray us down at mile 23).
At least it's not freezing! ;) That's a plus!
Sorry this wasn't the most extensive recap. Sometimes I just run and and don't think to take photos. Glad they got a lot of photos of me. It helps if you are wearing a skirt. ;)
You look soo happy!!! Congrats and welcome to the marathoner club! :)